Parish Schedules
Liturgy Corner
Week of Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2024
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
"Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Mark 10:14
The readings and themes for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us of the importance of unity, family, and following God’s will. They remind us of the value of marriage, the role of children, and to remain true to Jesus’ teachings.
Our Mission is to walk humbly in Jesus' presence
through prayer, service, and evangelization,
while putting Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last
Pray Gratefully
Recognize everything we have is a gift from God.
Serve Responsibly.
Thank God for all the talents He has given us.
Give generously.
Thank God for the resources He has given us.
News & Activities
Join Respect Life ministry on Oct 6th 2-3PM. We will be standing along U.S. 1 between Maggiore St. & Rosaro Ave. in Coral Gables.
Baby Shower collection from Oct. 1st - 31st.
Morning Retreat for Women under the auspices of Opus Dei. In Spanish. A monthly Day of Recollection is a time set aside specifically for a Christian to seriously go deeper into his or her relationship with God.
Confessions, Meditation, Talk & Benediction
3rd Thursday of the month at 9:00 - 11:20 am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Fr JC for anyone who's experienced any type of loss.
Our next marriage covenant retreat is Nov 1 - 3rd.
Register for religious education!
Mondays 8:30 - 9:30 PM
Los lunes a las 9:00 AM
Salon 403 Centro Pastoral
Coordinadora: Andrea Távara (305) 815-6542
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