About Confessions
The second sacrament of initiation is the sacrament of reconciliation, penance or confession. It is also a sacrament of healing.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a part of Catholic faith and life. Confession is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses against God and against your sisters and brothers. As a Sacrament of healing, it brings many graces to the person receiving it. All are encouraged to take advantage of the Sacrament on a regular and frequent basis.
Catholics are required to receive the Sacrament at least once per year. Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive Communion without having received absolution by a priest to be in a state of grace. During Mass, when we ask for God’s forgiveness, our venial sins are forgiven.
See The Gravity of Sin: Mortal and Venial Sin (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1854-1864).
According to Roman Catholic canon law, "The sacramental seal is inviolable; therefore, it is absolutely forbidden for a confessor to betray in any way a penitent in words or in any manner and for any reason." The confessor is always an ordained priest, because in the Catholic Church only ordained priests can absolve sins.
The three things for a confession to be valid are 1. Examination of Conscience - Know your sins. 2. Contrition– Be sorry for your sins 3. Decide not to sin again.
Why is it important to go to confession? Doesn’t God already know I’m sorry for my sins?
Certainly God knows when we are sorry for our sins. And since God’s only relationship with us is one of unconditional love, whenever we turn to God with a sincere sorrow for sin and a desire to make a new beginning, God is there to meet us with forgiveness. Even with this in mind, there are still three main reasons for going to confession.
- Through this sacrament we experience a palpable form of God’s love for us. The priest is present in the confessional NOT to punish or get angry at the person confessing but ONLY to be a concrete, tangible sign of God’s forgiveness and love. He is also there to help us become better by sharing some advice or simply offering to walk with us during our suffering.
- There are often times in our lives, when we freely and deliberately chose to separate ourselves from God’s love by committing an act that is seriously evil. In such cases, we definitely cut ourselves off from God and from the church. Our sins not only affect God, but also others, the community. This is why it isn’t sufficient to simply confess our sins directly to God. Through the ministry of the priest, we ask God for forgiveness and reestablish our bond with the community.
- Finally, we are obliged to go to confession because participation in the Eucharist is our greatest joy and privilege, as well as a duty (at least once a year, preferably during the Easter season, but that’s just the bare minimum). To participate worthily in the Sacrament of the Eucharist we must be free of mortal sin. Confession is a gift, a means of grace, a way to God, and a way back to God.
Individual confession and celebration of the sacrament of Reconciliation can be of great value even when we have not committed a serious sin. It is a way of taking an honest look at our own lives and “taking inventory” of our relationship with God. “Naming” the tendencies or habits that cause us to drift from that relationship may be the beginning of a process of our recentering our thoughts and actions on God.
The sacrament of Reconciliation should be first and beyond all else a joyful celebration of God’s forgiving and merciful love for us.
How to go to Confession
For children whose first time it is going to Confession, please contact our Religious education department.
May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, whatever good you do and suffering you endure, heal your sins, help you grow in holiness, and reward you with eternal life. Go in peace. –Rite of Penance, no. 93
1. PREPARATION: Before going to confession, take some time to prepare. Begin with prayer and reflect on your life since your last confession. How have you—in your thoughts, words, and actions— neglected to live Christ’s commands to “love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22:37, 39)? As a help with this “examination of conscience,” you might review the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes (Ex 20:2-17; Dt 5:6-21; Mt 5:3-10; or Lk 6:20-26).
2. GREETING: The priest will welcome you; he may say a short blessing or read a Scripture passage.
3. THE SIGN OF THE CROSS: Together, you and the priest will make the Sign of the Cross. You may then begin your confession with these or similar words: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been [give days, months, or years] since my last confession.”
4. CONFESSION: Confess all your sins to the priest. If you are unsure what to say, ask the priest for help. When you are finished, conclude with these or similar words: “I am sorry for these and all my sins.”
5. PENANCE: The priest will propose an act of penance. The penance might be prayer, a work of mercy, or an act of charity. He might also counsel you on how to better live a Christian life.
6. ACT OF CONTRITION: After the priest has conferred your penance, pray an Act of Contrition, expressing sorrow for your sins and resolving to sin no more. A suggested Act of Contrition is: My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. (Rite of Penance, no. 45)
7. ABSOLUTION: The priest will extend his hands over your head and pronounce the words of absolution. You respond, “Amen.”
8. PRAISE: The priest will usually praise the mercy of God and will invite you to do the same. For example, the priest may say, “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” And your response would be, “His mercy endures forever” (Rite of Penance, no. 47).
9. DISMISSAL: The priest will conclude the sacrament, often saying, “Go in peace.”
If it has been a while since your last confession, remember, “Do not fear” (Is 41:10). The priest will help guide you.
Examination of Conscience
A new commandment I give unto you:
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
(John 13:34)
Restore your relationship with God
Confession is your chance to ask God for forgiveness and receive His mercy. Before you enter the confessional, take a few moments to gather your thoughts and think about what you may have done to hurt others and what you can do better as a Christian. A sincere Confession is a chance to renew your soul and open yourself to the Grace of God.
When going to confession, each area one's life should be considered (ex: family, friends, work, prayer, etc.) “In thought, word, and deed” (ex: Even if I did not gossip in word, did I judge someone in my thoughts?).
Keep in mind, sins of omission may be more serious than sins of commission. “In what I have done, and in what I have failed to do”
- Based on the 10 Commandments
- Based on the Beatitudes
- Based on Seven Deadly Sins
- For Children
- For Young Adults
- For Single People
- For Married Persons
Based on the 10 Commandments
1. I am the Lord Your God. You Shall Not Have Strange Gods Before Me.
- Do I give God time every day in prayer?
- Do I seek to love Him with my whole heart?
- Have I denied the existence of God?
- Have I doubted or denied my faith?
- Do I seek to surrender myself to God’s Word as taught by the Church?
- Have I ever received Communion in the state of mortal sin?
- Have I rejected any Church teaching or denied that I was a Catholic?
- Does someone or something other than God
influence my choices? - Have I ever deliberately told a lie in Confession or have I withheld a mortal sin from the priest in Confession?
2. You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God in Vain.
- Have I used God’s name in vain: lightly or carelessly?
- Have I used the name of God in cursing or blasphemy?
- Have I been angry with God?
- Have I failed to keep the vows or promises that I
have made to God? - Have I wished evil upon any other person?
- Have I spoken about the Church, the saints, or sacred thing with irreverence, hatred, or defiance?
- Have I insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object?
- Have I been disrespectful in my behavior in Church?
3. Remember to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day.
- Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?
- Am I habitually late to and/or leave early from Mass without a good reason?
- Have I received a sacrament while in a state of mortal sin?
- Have I not kept Sunday as a family day and a day of rest?
- Do I do needless work on Sunday?
- Do I make others work on Sunday?
- Do I try to be reverent and pay attention during Mass?
- Do I do penance every Friday, if not abstaining from meat, then some other form of penance?
- If I am 14 years of age or older, did I abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent?
- If I am between the ages of 18 and 59, did I fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
4. Honor Your Father and Your Mother.
- Do I honor and obey my parents?
- If still under the care of my parents, did I obey all that they reasonably asked of me?
- Have I neglected the needs of my parents in their old age or in their time of need?
- Am I willing to help around the house or must I be nagged a hundred times?
- Do I try to get along with my brothers and sisters?
- Have I neglected my duties to my spouse and children?
- Have I given my family good religious example?
- Do I try to bring peace into my home life?
- Do I respect my elders?
- Do I respect my pastor, bishop, and the Pope?
- Have I broken the law?
- Do I respect others in authority, priests, nuns, police officers, old people, baby-sitters?
- Have I stopped speaking to anyone?
5. You Shall Not Kill.
- Have I unjustly physically harmed anyone?
- Have I unjustly verbally or emotional abused anyone?
- Have I seriously considered or attempted suicide?
- Have I intentionally killed a human being?
- Have I abused drugs or alcohol?
- Did I give scandal to anyone, thereby leading them into sin?
- Have I harbored hatred, anger or resentment in my heart?
- Have I failed to forgive?
- Am I prejudiced or have I unjustly discriminated against others because of their race, color, nationality, gender or religion?
- Did my actions, needlessly or recklessly endanger my life or health, or that of another person’s?
- Do I endanger my health by not eating right or exercising?
6. You Shall Not Commit Adultery.
- Have I been faithful to my marriage vows in thought and action?
- Have I committed adultery, having sexual relations with someone who is married?
- Have I engaged in any sexual activity before marriage or outside of marriage?
- Have I respected all members of the opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as objects?
- Do I seek to be pure in my thoughts, words and actions?
- Have I forced adultery onto someone?
- Have I set out to seduce someone, or allowed myself to be seduced?
- Have I made uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances toward another?
- Am I living in a valid and licit marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church?
7. You Shall Not Steal.
- Have I stolen what is not mine?
- Have I returned or made restitution for what I have stolen?
- Do I waste time at work, school or at home?
- Do I gamble excessively, thereby denying my family of their needs?
- Do I pay my debts promptly?
- Do I seek to share what I have with the poor?
- Do I pay employees a living wage, or fail to give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay?
- Did I cheat on a test, on my taxes, or in business?
- Did I take advantage of another’s hardship or ignorance by charging more for a product than it is worth?
- Have I destroyed or misused another person’s property for fun?
8. You Shall Not Bear False Witness.
- Have I lied?
- Have I gossiped?
- Have I harmed someone’s reputation?
- Have I spoken behind someone else’s back?
- Am I critical, negative, or uncharitable in my thoughts of others?
- Did I perjure myself under oath?
- Am I honest in my school work?
- Do I keep secret what should be kept confidential?
- Am I guilty of libel, writing lies about another person in order to destroy his reputation?
- Am I guilty of rash judgment, assuming the worst of another person based on circumstantial evidence?
- Did I betray another’s confidence through speech?
9. You Shall Not Desire Your Neighbor’s Wife.
- Have I consented to impure thoughts?
- Do I pray at once to banish impure thoughts and temptations?
- Do I listen to, or engage in, impure conversations or jokes?
10. You Shall Not Desire Your Neighbor’s Goods.
- Am I jealous of what other people have?
- Do I envy other people’s families or possessions?
- Am I greedy or selfish?
- Are material possessions the purpose of my life?
- Do I trust that God will care for all of my material and spiritual needs?
- Did I deface, destroy, or lose another’s property without making restitution?
Based on the Beatitudes
- Have l truly recognized my complete dependence on God?
- Have I been proud, arrogant and self-righteous?
- Have I been selfish, greedy, possessive and self-seeking?
- Have I sought after status, recognition, power, material possessions and wealth?
- Have l endured difficulties and afflictions with faith and patience?
- Do I have compassion for the poor, the hungry, and addicted; the sick the lonely and the sinful of the world?
- Have I truly been sorrowful for my sins and faults?
- Am I gentle with others, or am I harsh in my behavior?
- Do I seek to dominate others at home, school, work, office, church and elsewhere?
- Have l lost my temper?
- Have I nursed hatred in my heart or the desire for revenge?
- Have I been impatient, resentful, bitter, unforgiving or insulting and abusive to others?
- Have l loved my enemies?
- Do I thirst for holiness?
- Do I truly yearn for God’s Will to be done, in my life and in all things?
- Have I tried to cultivate a righteous and holy life through prayer, fasting, almsgiving, worship, the reading of Holy Scripture, frequent Confession and Communion?
- Have I been lukewarm in my faith?
- Have I been lazy, negligent or apathetical?
- Have I been merciful to others?
- Have l turned away from someone who needed my help?
- Have I turned my back on someone poor, hungry, rejected, lonely and needy?
- Have I tried to understand and to forgive others?
- Have I been indifferent or judgmental?
- Do I love purity and honesty?
- Have I been dishonest in my speech or actions?
- Have the motives or intentions of my actions been evil or selfish?
- Have I given way to lust, impure thoughts, words or deeds?
- Have I been guilty of prejudice?
- Have I been hypocritical, pretentious or self-indulgent to sinful passions?
- Am I at peace with God?
- Do I have His peace in my heart?
- Have l been angry, aggressive or impatient?
- Do I foster peace at home, work, church and community?
- Have I been irritable or polemical?
- Have I caused division and discord?
- Is my criticism harmful and disruptive, or does it build up others in charity?
- Have I complained when persecuted for God’s sake?
- Have I prayed for my enemies?
- Have I failed to defend people who are fight for fear of humiliation or persecution?
- Have I had the courage to stand up for the truth despite criticism, ridicule or persecution?
- Am I afraid to witness my faith in Christ Jesus?
- Is the joy of Christ in my heart, even in trying moments?
- Do I give thanks to God in all circumstances, or do I complain often?
- Have I been pessimistic, negative, despondent or despairing?
- Have I truly delighted in the promise of God’s treasures in heaven?
Based on Seven Deadly Sins
Deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Pride is the mother of all sin.
Sub-sins: Disobedience (failure/refusal to obey authority), Boastfulness (showing excessive pride), Hypocrisy (not conforming to one’s own standards), Contention (heated disagreement), Obstinacy (stubbornness), Discord (lack of harmony), Love of Novelties to Excess (overly concerned with fashion, technology - stuff)
Virtue: Humility (modest view of one’s own importance)
- Have I refused to admit my own weaknesses?
- Have I dwelt on the failings of others?
- Have I judged others, in my thoughts or words?
- Have I ranked myself better than others?
- Have I borne hatred or disdain for another?
- Have I refused to learn from others?
- Have I been irritable with others?
- Have I been critical of others?
- Have I been slow to listen to others and quick to speak over them?
- Have I been stubborn? Refused to admit I was wrong?
- Have I refused to accept that another person had a better idea?
- Have I been arrogant?
- Have I held others in contempt?
- Have I reacted negatively when questioned?
Pusillanimity or Timidity or Cowardice – the opposite of pride:
- Have I neglected to use the talents that God has given me?
- Have I shied away from my duties or doing or saying what is right because of fear of how others will respond?
- Have I failed to give witness to my faith in Christ in public?
Vanity (an expression of pride) – Vanity is excessive concern about what others think of me –not just what they think of my appearance.
- Have I been overly concerned about what others think of me? Have I allowed this to motivate my actions?
- Have I failed to follow God’s will because of a fear of what others might think of me?
- Have I lied or exaggerated to make myself look good?
- Have I wasted undue time and money on clothes and appearance?
- Have I been content with my lowly position, or have I resented the role that Christ asks of me?
- Do I constantly take selfies or spend time primping and correcting my hair, clothing or other aspects of my appearance?
Lust is disordered desire for sexual pleasure, isolated from its procreative and unitive purpose; or a strong passionate desire for something.
Sub-sins: Blindness of Mind (turning a blind-eye and acting on temptations) Thoughtlessness (no consideration for others) Inconstancy (not faithful or dependable, constantly changing) Impulsiveness (acting without thinking/forethought) Self-love (tending to be smug and superior) Hatred of God Love of the World Contempt for Heaven (beneath consideration
Virtue: Chastity (purity; freedom from immorality, especially of a sexual nature)
- Have I maintained custody of my eyes or have I allowed them to wander?: “Whoever looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Mt 5:28)
- Have I viewed other people as mere sexual objects rather than as persons to be loved and served?
- Have I viewed pornography or related sexual or sexualized material on internet? or TV? or Social Media?
- Have I engaged in romantic fiction leading to sexual fantasy?
- Have I entertained impure thoughts?
- Have I engaged in masturbation, alone, or with another?
Strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility
Sub-sins: Indignation (annoyance provoked by what is perceived to be unfair), Swelling of the Mind (gradual building of strong feelings of annoyance, displeasure, hostility), Clamor (raising the voice), Blasphemy (profane talk), Name Calling (abusive language / insults), Quarrels (arguments / disagreements).
Virtue: Forgiveness (action or process of forgiving others)
- Have I harbored resentment, grudges, and hatred in my thoughts?
- Have I nurtured imaginary angry conversations?
- Have I been slow to forgive?
- Have I lost my temper?
- How have I carried my cross without complaint or self-pity?
- Have I been impatient with people, family, events, sufferings, sicknesses?
Avarice is the excessive love of possessing things. (Obsession with Money or Covetousness: wanting what other people have).
Sub-sins: Treachery (deceptive / betrayal of trust), Fraud (wrongful or criminal deception), Falsehood (lie, untruth), Perjury (willingly telling a lie after taking an oath), Restlessness (anxiety), Violence (behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something), Insensibility for Mercy (lack of concern or compassion for the plight of others).
Virtue: Generosity (quality of being kind and unselfish)
- Have I been overly concerned about my own comfort and well-being?
- Have I been resentful of my lack of money or resources?
- Have I been generous in giving? Have I given with a cheerful heart?
- Have I avoided sacrificial giving? Do I only give what is easy to give?
- Have I cheated, stolen, or failed to pay my bills on time?
- Have I used people for my own ends and advantage?
- Have I wasted money on things I don’t absolutely need?
A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or blessings, a sadness at the happiness of another.
Sub-sins: Hatred (intense dislike / ill-will), Tale-bearing (malicious gossip/revealing secrets), Detraction (reduce or take away worth or value of a person or thing), Joy at Our Neighbor’s Misfortune Grief of Others Prosperity
Have I envied or been jealous of the abilities, talents, ideas, good-looks, intelligence, clothes, possessions, money, friends, family, of others?
- Have I judged others in my thoughts?
- Have I damaged the reputation of another person by my words, attitude, or looks/reactions/responses?
- Have I repeated accusations that might not be true? Have I exaggerated?
- Have I failed to defend the reputation of others?
- Have I failed to keep secrets?
- Do I despise others of different race, class or culture?
Lies: Have I lied, exaggerated, or distorted the truth?
Laziness, especially in the things of God (prayer, bible study, church attendance, etc.). Sloth is a sorrow in the face of spiritual good -it makes you lethargic and want to do nothing and/or it drives you to neglect spiritual goods.
Sub-sins: Malice (intention or desire to do evil) Spite (desire to hurt, annoy or offend) Faintheartedness (timid, lacking courage) Sluggishness with regard to living the 10 Commandments Wandering of the Mind After Unlawful Things
Virtue: Zeal (great energy or enthusiasm)
- Have I sought God above all else, or have I put other priorities ahead of him? (e.g. friendships, ambition, comfort and ease)
- Have I got so caught up in the things of this world that I’ve forgotten God?
- Have I risked losing my faith/piety by bad company, bad reading, cowardice, or pride?
- Have I trusted God, especially in times of difficulty?
- Have I attended Mass each and every Sunday?
- Have I neglected to say my daily prayers?
- Have I entertained distractions in prayer, or failed to give God due concentration in prayer or in the Mass? (Note: Not giving God the effort He deserves in prayer is a sin, but it is not the same thing as involuntary weakness in mental distractions.)
- Have I made a prayerful preparation before Mass and a good thanksgiving after Mass?
- Have I received Holy Communion while in a state of serious sin?
- Have I neglected to seek Confession before Holy Communion?
- Have I taken the Lord’s name in vain? Or used other foul language?
My Neighbor:
- Have I been lazy in helping others?
- Have I been attentive to the needs of my neighbor, the needs of my extended or immediate family?
- Has my conversation been focused on my own pleasure, or on others?
- Has my humor been insensitive to others?
My Family:
- Have I been more focused on myself than on the needs of others?
- Have I spent time with my family? How have I manifested my concern for them? Have I been forgiving and tolerant of them? Have I scandalized them by a bad or lazy example?
Punctuality and Self-Discipline:
- Have I wasted other people’s time or dishonored them by being late or have I failed to keep my commitments regarding being on time?
- Have I sinned against God and the congregation by being late for Mass?
- Have I gone to sleep on time?
- Have I made good use of my time, or have I wasted time needlessly? e.g. cell phone, TV, gaming, or internet?
- Have I planned good use of relaxation and recreation, knowing that I need to rest well in order to serve well?
Gluttony is the inordinate or excessive desire for, focus on, attachment to, or use of food, drink, pleasure or other material goods.
Sun-sins: Unseemly Joy (Improper / Inappropriate), Vulgarity (lacking sophistication or good taste), Uncleanness (impure / unfit), Loquaciousness (Talking Way to Much), Dullness of Mind as it Regards Understanding.
Virtue: Asceticism (Self-discipline; avoidance of all forms of indulgence)
- Have I consumed more than I need to – more than my body needs to maintain a healthy weight?
- Have I consumed food or drink that is damaging to my body to satisfy my tastes or appetites?
- Have I spent time engaging with food (or other material things) or fantasizing about food (or other material things) that should be spent elsewhere?
- Have I spent excessive money on food?
- Have I consumed alcohol excessively? Have I driven after drinking?
- Have I eaten greedily with little consideration for those at table with me?
- Have I failed to give money to help the hungry?
- Have I failed to practice fasting and self-denial, especially on Fridays?
- Have I failed to abstain from meat on Fridays?
- Have I always fasted an hour before receiving Holy Communion at Mass?
- Do I spend excessive energy and expense seeking to ensure my food or environment is perfectly to my desires (temperature, texture, atmosphere)?
- Do I spent excessive energy and expense seeking comfort?
For Children
Responsibilities to God:
Have I prayed every day?
Have I prayed my morning prayers and night prayers?
Have I prayed with my parents and family?
Have I been moody and rebellious about praying and going to church on Sunday?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me whenever I have been tempted to sin?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me do what is right?
Responsibilities to others:
Have I been obedient and respectful to my parents?
Have I lied or been deceitful to them or to others?
Have I been arrogant, stubborn or rebellious?
Have I talked back to parents, teachers or other adults?
Have I pouted and been moody?
Have I been selfish toward my parents, brothers, and sisters,
teachers, or my friends and schoolmates?
Have I gotten angry at them? Have I hit anyone?
Have I held grudges or not forgiven others?
Have I treated other children with respect or have I made fun of them and called them names?
Have I used bad language?
Have I stolen anything? Have I returned it?
Have I performed my responsibilities, such as homework and household chores?
Have I been helpful and affectionate toward my family?
Have I been kind and generous with my friends?
For Young Adults
Responsibilities to God:
Have I gone to Mass on Sunday or have I rebelled and been stubborn about going to Mass?
Did I participate in the Mass or did I daydream?
Have I prayed every day?
Have I read the Bible?
Have I been rebellious toward God and his commands?
Have I misused the name of God by swearing and cursing?
Have I told the Father that I love him for creating me and making me his son/daughter?
Have I thanked Jesus for becoming man, dying for my sin and rising to give me eternal life?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me conquer sin and temptation and to be obedient to God’s commands?
Responsibilities to others and myself:
Have I been rebellious, disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, teachers and those in authority over me?
Have I lied to or deceived my parents or others?
Have I been arrogant and stubborn?
Have I talked back to my parents or those in authority?
Have I gotten angry or nurtured and held grudges and resentments? Have I refused to forgive others? Have I cultivated hatred?
Have I engaged in sexual fantasies? Have I looked at others lustfully?
Have I read pornographic literature or looked at pornographic pictures, shows or movies?
Have I masturbated?
Have I lustfully kissed or sexually touched someone? Have I had sexual intercourse?
Have I had an abortion or encouraged another to have one?
Have I gossiped about others? Have I slandered anyone? Have I told lies about others? Have I mocked or made fun of others?
Have I lied or cheated? Have I stolen anything? Have I paid it back?
Have I been selfish or spiteful toward others? Have I been jealous?
Have I gotten drunk, or taken drugs?
Have I participated in anything that is of the occult: ouija boards, fortune tellers, séances, channeling, astrology?
Have I been patient, kind gentle and self-controlled?
When my conscience told me to do something good, did I do it or did I ignore it?
For Single People
Responsibilities to God:
Have I gone to Mass every Sunday? Have I participated at Mass or have I daydreamed or been present with a blank mind?
Have I prayed every day (15-20 minutes)?
Have I read the Bible? Have I studied the truths of our faith and allowed them to become more a part of the way I think and act? Have I read any spiritual books or religious literature?
Have I told God that I want to love him with my whole heart, mind and strength? Do I hold any resentments toward God?
Have I recognized my need for Jesus and his salvation? Have I asked the Holy Spirit to empower me to live the Christian life?
Have I been financially generous to the Church? Have I participated in parish or religious activities?
Have I held resentments toward the Church or Church authorities? Have I forgiven them?
Responsibilities to others and to myself:
Have I been rebellious, disobedient or disrespectful to anyone in authority?
Have I lied to or deceived others—friends, boss, or coworkers?
Have I been arrogant and stubborn?
Have I gotten angry or nurtured and held grudges and resentments?
Have I refused to forgive others—parents, relatives, employers, former friend, a former spouse? Have I cultivated hatred?
Have I felt sorry for myself or nurtured self-pity?
Have I engaged in sexual fantasies? Have I looked at others lustfully?
Have I read pornographic literature or looked at pornographic pictures, shows or movies?
Have I masturbated?
Have I lustfully kissed or sexually touched someone? Have I had sexual intercourse?
Have I had an abortion or encouraged another to have one?
Have I gossiped about others? Have I slandered anyone? Have I told lies about others? Have I mocked or made fun of others?
Responsibilities to society:
Have I been a Christian witness to those with whom I work or associate? Have I spoken to anyone about the Gospel and how important it is to believe in Jesus?
Have I allowed the Gospel to influence my political and social opinions?
Have I had a proper Christian concern for the poor and needy?
Have I paid my taxes?
Have I fostered or nurtured hatred toward my ‘political’ opponents, either local, national or international?
Have I been prejudiced toward others because of race, color, religion or social status?
For Married Persons
Responsibilities to God:
Have I gone to Mass every Sunday? Have I participated at Mass or have I day dreamed or been present with a blank mind?
Have I prayed every day (15-20 minutes)?
Have I read the Bible? Have I studied the truths of our faith and allowed them to become more part of the way I think and act? Have I read any spiritual books or religious literature?
Have I told God that I want to love him with my whole heart, mind and strength? Do I hold any resentments toward God?
Have I recognized my need for Jesus and his salvation? Have I asked the Holy Spirit to empower me to live the Christian life, to be a proper husband/wife and parent?
Have I been financially generous to the Church? Have I participated in parish or religious activities?
Have I held resentments toward the Church or Church authorities? Have I forgiven them?
Responsibilities to my spouse:
Have I cared for my spouse? Have I been generous with my time? Have I been affectionate and loving? Have I told my spouse that I love him or her?
Have I been concerned about the spiritual well-being of my spouse?
Have I listened to my spouse? Have I paid attention to his other concerns, worries, and problems? Have I sought these out?
Have I allowed resentments and bitterness toward my spouse to take root in my mind? Have I nurtured these? Have I forgiven my spouse for the wrongs he or she has committed against me?
Have I allowed misunderstanding, miscommunication or accidents to cause anger and mistrust? Have I nurtured critical and negative thoughts about my spouse?
Have I manipulated my spouse in order to get my own way?
Have I tried to bully or overpower my spouse?
Have I spoken sharply or sarcastically to my spouse? Have I spoken in a demeaning or negative way? Have I injured my spouse through taunting and negative teasing? Have I called my spouse harsh names or used language that is not respectful?
Have I physically abused my spouse?
Have I gossiped about my spouse?
Have I undermined the authority and dignity of my spouse through disrespect and rebelliousness?
Have I been moody and sullen?
Have I bickered with my spouse out of stubbornness and selfishness?
Have I lied or been deceitful to my spouse?
Have I misused sexuality? Have I used sexual relations solely for my own selfish pleasure? Have I been too demanding in my desire for sexual fulfillment? Have I been loving and physically affectionate in my sexual relations or have I used sexual relations in a way that would be demeaning or disrespectful to my spouse? Have I refused sexual relations out of laziness, revenge or manipulation?
Have I refused to conceive children out of selfishness or material greed? Have I used artificial means of contraception?
Have I had an abortion or encouraged others to have one?
Have I masturbated?
Have I flirted or fostered improper relationships with someone else, either in my mind or through words and actions?
Have I used pornography: books, magazines or movies?
Have I committed adultery?
Have I misused alcohol or drugs?
Have I been financially responsible?
Responsibilities to children:
Have I cared for the spiritual needs of my children? Have I been a shepherd and guardian as God has appointed me? Have I tried to foster a Christian family where Jesus is Lord? Have I taught my children the Gospel and the commandments of God?
Have I prayed with them?
Have I been persistent and courageous in my training and teaching? Have I disciplined them when necessary? Have I been lazy and apathetic?
Have I talked with them to find out their problems, concerns and fears? Have I been affectionate toward them? Have I hugged them and told them that I love them? Have I played or recreated with them?
Have I been impatient and frustrated with them? Have I corrected them out of love in order to teach them what is right and good? Have I treated them with respect? Have I spoken to them in a sarcastic or demeaning way?
Have I held resentments against them? Have I forgiven them?
Have I been of one heart and mind with my spouse in the upbringing of the children? Or have I allowed disagreements and dissension to disrupt the training, educating and disciplining of our children?
Have I undermined the role of authority in the eyes of my children by speaking negatively against God, the Church, my spouse or others who hold legitimate authority over them?
Have I been a good Christian witness to my children in what I say and do? Or do I demand one standard for them and another for myself?
Have I been properly generous with my children regarding money and physical and material well-being? Have I been miserly? Have I been extravagant, thus spoiling them?
Responsibilities to society:
Have I been a Christian witness to those with whom I work or associate? Have I spoken to anyone about the Gospel and how important it is to believe in Jesus?
Have I held resentments and anger against those with whom I work, relatives or friends? Have I forgiven them?
Have I been unethical in my business dealings? Have I stolen or lied?
Have I allowed the Gospel to influence my political and social opinions?
Have I had a proper Christian concern for the poor and needy?
Have I paid my taxes?
Have I fostered or nurtured hatred toward my “political” enemies, either local, national or international?
Have I been prejudiced toward others because of race, color, religion or social status?