Spiritual Growth Activities
Spiritual growth is something that should never cease in the life of a Catholic. We offer our parishioners many opportunities for formation such as bible classes, spiritual and catechetical courses, and social doctrine seminars. We also offer opportunities for spiritual growth with pilgrimages, daily rosaries, and prayer meetings.
For questions, please contact spiritualgrowth@stagneskb.org
Perpetual Adoration
St. Agnes is blessed to have perpetual adoration (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel located at the right of the main entrance of the church. Visit Jesus anytime!
Volunteers are needed to take care of the Blessed Sacrament for one hour a week SIGN UP FOR 1 HOUR
Singing Adoration
On Mondays from 8:30 - 9:30 PM our St. Agnes young parishioners led by AGNES Choir host singing adoration in the church or on the plaza. Confessions available.
This can also be viewed on Instagram (@agneschoir) and on St. Agnes YouTube Channel.
- How to Pray During Eucharistic Adoration
- Benefits of Spending one hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
How to Pray During Eucharistic Adoration
There is no wrong way to pray during adoration! You can talk to God about your personal intentions, seek spiritual guidance, or simply offer thanksgiving and adoration to God. It’s a great time to practice Lectio Divina, prepare for the upcoming Sunday by reading the Gospel ahead of time, or meditating on the Rosary. Even just sitting in silence and allowing for God’s presence to wash over you is an appropriate way to spend time in adoration!
Benefits of Spending one hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Twelve Reasons From The Teachings Of The Church For Wanting To Spend One Hour With Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament
- You are greatly needed! “The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic adoration.” (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Cenae)
- This is a personal invitation to you from Jesus. “Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love.” (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Canae)
- Jesus is counting on you because the Eucharist is the center of life. “Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that the sacrament of love shall be at the center of the life of the people of God so that through all the manifestations of worship due him shall be given back ‘love for love’ and truly become the life of our souls.” (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)
- Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair for evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. “Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Jesus and ready to make reparation for the great evils of the world. Let your adoration never cease.” (Pope John Paul II, Dominicai Cenae)
- Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because you are the most important person in the world to him! “Christ is reserved in our churches as the spiritual center of the heart of the community, the universal Church and all humanity, since within the veil of the species, Christ is contained, the invisible heart of the Church, the Redeemer of the world, the center of all hearts, by him all things are and of whom we exist.” (Pope Paul IV, Mysterium Fidei)
- Jesus wants you to do more than to go to mass on Sunday. “Our communal worship at mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete.” (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)
- You grow spiritually with each moment you spend with Jesus! “Our essential commitment in life is to preserve and advance constantly in Eucharistic life and Eucharistic piety and to grow spiritually in the climate of the Holy Eucharist.” (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)
- The best time you spend on earth is with Jesus, your Best Friend, in the Blessed Sacrament! “How great is the value of conversation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, for there is nothing more consoling on earth, nothing more efficacious for advancing along the road of holiness!” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)
- Just as you can’t be exposed to the sun without receiving its rays, neither can you come to Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament without receiving the divine rays of his grace, his love, his peace. “Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is, God with us, day and night, he is in our midst. He dwells with us full of grace and truth. He restores morality, nourishes virtue, consoles the afflicted, strengthens the weak.” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)
- If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome him, but he remains hidden in the Sacred Host under the appearance of bread, because he is calling us to faith, that we many come to him in humility. “The Blessed Sacrament is the ‘Living Heart’ of each of our churches and it is our very sweet duty to honor and adore the Blessed Host, which our eyes see, the Incarnate Word, whom they cannot see.” (Pope Paul VI, Credo of the People of God)
- With transforming mercy, Jesus makes our heart one with his. “He proposes his own example to those who come to him, that all may learn to be like himself, gentle and humble of heart, and to seek not their own interest but those of God.” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)
- If the Pope himself would give you a special invitation to visit him in the Vatican, this honor would be nothing in comparison to the honor and dignity that Jesus himself bestows upon you with the invitation of spending one hour with him in the Blessed Sacrament.“ The divine Eucharist bestows upon the Christian people the incomparable dignity.” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)
Formation Groups
A morning retreat in Spanish for women under the auspices of Opus Dei.
A monthly Day of Recollection is a time set aside specifically for a Christian to seriously go deeper into his or her relationship with God.
Talk, Meditation, & Confession every 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:00 - 11:30 AM in Albertson Hall.
Groups of eight to twelve parishioners who get together to reflect and share in the Sacred Scriptures and Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Todos están invitados a participar en el grupo de formación y oración:
Testigos de la Fe basado en las enseñanzas de Madre Adela Galindo, fundadora de SCTJM.
Nos reuniremos una vez al mes de 9:00 AM a 10:30AM en el salon 403 del centro pastoral y las charlas serán en español.
October 7
November 4
December 2
January 13
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5
Coordinadora: Andrea Távara (305) 815-6542
El carisma del SEA conforma nuestra voluntad a la Voluntad de Dios para decirle al Padre por Jesucristo y en el Espíritu Santo –con María y con toda la Iglesia – “que SEA en mí, en nosotros y a través nuestro -ahora y siempre Tu Santa Voluntad”. Es un camino al corazón para aprender a amar en el Servicio, la Entrega y la Alabanza (SEA).
- SERVICIO - Jesucristo nos invita a ser servidores. Él siendo Dios se hace servidor de todos y muere en la cruz para redimirnos y regalarnos la vida eterna. “No vine a ser servido sino a servir, y a entregar mi vida...”
- ENTREGA - Con la entrega de su Cuerpo y su Sangre, Jesucristo se unió para siempre con nosotros. Nos invita a hacer lo mismo en nuestra vida cotidiana. “No hay amor más grande que dar la vida...”
- AMOR - En el corazón, el lugar más profundo y sagrado de nuestro ser, Dios nos llama a la plenitud del amor y la unión con Él y entre nosotros. “Ámense los unos a los otros como yo los amo...”
A través de un itinerario de formación integral y permanente y de un camino de oración contemplativa, el CESM ayuda a la persona a encontrarse consigo misma, con los demás, con Dios.
Abierto A Todos:
Clases de Biblia | Viernes 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Grupo de Oración Contemplativa | Lunes 8:30 AM |
Taller de Crecimiento Espiritual |
Lunes 7:00 - 8:30 PM |
Siguiente Nivel:
Escuela Camino al Corazón (2do año) |
Martes 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Grupo de oración contemplativa y educación continua para Acompañantes Espirituales | Miercoles 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
Grupo de Supervision de Acompañantes Espirituales | Jueves 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Las actividades son en el Centro Pastoral salon 403.
Phone: 305-713-4726 * Email: miami@centrosantamaria.org * Instagram: @centrosantamaria.miami * www.centrosantamaria.org
Book Club
A spiritual reading club for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of their Christian faith through literary classics. Spiritual reading is a cornerstone of Catholic practice, as it inspires our hearts and conforms our minds to Christ.
Meetings are once a month at 7:30 PM at the Pastoral Center room 401.
Next Meeting: 9/17 - St. Therese: The Story of a Soul
Join our Book Club
* Required